Monday, June 28, 2010

New MIMIC Application Brief: Port Scanner and Sweeper Testing

We have just released a new application brief for MIMIC Server Simulator, which
in conjunction with MIMIC SNMP Simulator creates virtual networks for development,
testing and training of network management applications.

Here is an excerpt:

A fast, easy way of containing capital expenditures for port scanning and network management
software testing is by using the MIMIC Server Simulator. MIMIC Server Simulator creates a large
network with a variety of devices with different IP addresses. Each of them can be setup to
support many services running on different ports. MIMIC makes it easier to switch ports on/off at
run-time. It is also very easy to add latency or create a faulty links by dropping packets. Since
MIMIC’s services are proxied, even the advanced port+probing software can be fooled into
thinking that the actual service is there.

For details, see the Gambit website.

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