Tuesday, July 25, 2017

MIMIC interoperates with Cumulocity IoT Platform

We used the Cumulocity API detailed here to define 100 simulated sensors
with MIMIC MQTT Simulator as shown in this screenshot.

You can use MIMIC to quickly create any set of measurements, events
and alarms for a large number of IoT devices to test your real-time
application on Cumulocity.

Update 12/01/2019:

We have since improved this demo to show a multitude of scenarios.

This 3-minute Youtube video shows 10 sensors publishing dynamic, predictable,
real-time telemetry to test your application.

We have improved on our vehicle-fleet demo to show speeding vehicles in this
30-second video.

We also have implemented our standard simple control system demo in
this 2-minute video.

Get started with Cumulocity IoT in minutes with this online MQTT lab .

Update 7/15/2020:

Check us out on the Software AG partner page .

Friday, July 14, 2017

NNMi discovers 2000 VOIP phones in simulated CUCM

HP's NNMi discovered the 2000 simulated phones in MIMIC Web Simulator
which was setup as a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)

Using MIMIC you can setup arbitrarily large environments of networking and
telephony devices to test, demo, POC and training on your application of

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

MIMIC Redfish Simulator to simulate large server farm

The DMTF Redfish Mockup may be adequate to simulate a small number
of servers to be managed with the Redfish API but now you can use
MIMIC Redfish Simulator to simulate Redfish on a large scale.

You can record one real server (or the Mockup), and simulate hundreds if
not thousands of servers to be managed by your Redfish manager application.

This is what  redfish-client saw when pointed at a simulated server:

(redfish) bash-4.3$ redfish-client system getinfo
Gathering data from manager, please wait...

Redfish API version :  1.02
Root Service

Systems information :

System id 437XR1138R2:
UUID : 38947555-7742-3448-3784-823347823834
Type : Physical
Manufacturer : Contoso
Model : 3500RX
SKU : 8675309
Serial : 437XR1138R2
Hostname : web483
Bios version : P79 v1.33 (02/28/2015)
CPU number : 2
CPU model : Multi-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7xxx Series
CPU details :
    Processor id CPU1 :
    Speed : 3700
    Cores : 8
    Threads : 16
    Processor id CPU2 :
    Speed : Not available
    Cores : Not available
    Threads : Not available
Available memory : 96 GB
Status : State : OK / Health : OK
Power : On
Description : Web Front End node
Chassis : 1U
Managers : BMC
IndicatorLED : Off

Ethernet Interface :
    Ethernet Interface id 12446A3B0411 :
    Ethernet Interface
    FQDN : web483.contoso.com
    Mac address : 12:44:6A:3B:04:11
    Address ipv4 :
    Address ipv6 : fe80::1ec1:deff:fe6f:1e24
    Ethernet Interface id 12446A3B8890 :
    Ethernet Interface
    FQDN : backup-web483.contoso.com
    Mac address : AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:00
    Address ipv4 :
    Address ipv6 : fe80::1ec1:deff:fe6f:1e33
Looking for potential OEM information :
    This system has no supplemental OEM information

Simple Storage :
    Simple Storage id 1 :
    Simple Storage Controller
    Status : State : OK / Health : OK
    Device id 1 : SATA Bay 1  Contoso  3000GT8
    Device id 2 : SATA Bay 2  Contoso  3000GT7
    Device id 3 : SATA Bay 3    
    Device id 4 : SATA Bay 4    
Looking for potential OEM information :
    This system has no supplemental OEM information

 and Redfishtool

% redfishtool -v --Secure=Never -r root
#  Service Root:
    "@odata.type": "#ServiceRoot.v1_0_2.ServiceRoot",
    "Id": "RootService",
    "Name": "Root Service",
    "RedfishVersion": "1.0.2",
    "UUID": "85775665-c110-4b85-8989-e6162170b3ec",
    "Systems": {
        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems"
    "Chassis": {
        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis"
    "Managers": {
        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers"
    "Tasks": {
 "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/TaskService"
    "SessionService": {
        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/SessionService"
    "AccountService": {
        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService"
    "EventService": {
        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService"
    "Links": {
 "Sessions": {
        "Sessions": {
            "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions"
    "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ServiceRoot.ServiceRoot",
    "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/",
    "@Redfish.Copyright": "Copyright 2014-2016 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). For
the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright."

Friday, July 7, 2017

MIMIC MQTT Simulator and CloudMQTT

We have added CloudMQTT to the list of public brokers that
MIMIC MQTT Simulator interoperates with little effort. This
screenshot shows 10 simulated sensors publishing unique JSON
message to a Mosquitto subscriber client.