Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Video: Real-time telemetry simulation to Pubnub

Pubnub has recently updated their MQTT support and we have verified
that indeed it is easy to connect simulated MQTT sensors.

Following those directions we have configured our usual Bosch sensor
simulation in MIMIC MQTT Simulator to publish changing temperature
values and which are detected in a configured function in Pubnub
as shown in the debug console.

This 1-minute Youtube video shows the sensor publishing diverse
telemetry such as acceleration, humidity, temperature, pressure, etc
every 10 seconds. After a couple of intervals we change the temperature
in real-time through the MIMICview GUI from 50 C to 150 C. The configured
function in Pubnub detects the published values and prints them in the
debug console.

What we did interactively through the GUI can be done programmatically
for any number of sensors at will to reproduce any required scenario.

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